Resource Portal for South Sudan Implementing Partners
Since 2020, USAID Policy LINK has been engaging directly with communities in South Sudan’s hardest-hit counties, building trust and laying the foundation for other USAID Implementing Partners to work in these areas. To assist them as they expand their programming, especially within USAID’s Resilience Focus Zone, this Resource Portal catalogs the USAID Policy LINK experience, sharing Resource Guides, technical reports, and other material as a public good. For more information about USAID Policy LINK or to arrange an in-person consultation with one of our team, please email Country Lead Jeffrey Campbell.
Policy LINK Publishes Results of ‘Outcome Harvesting’ in South Sudan
To understand the effectiveness of this approach, Policy LINK interviewed a total of 137 participants and reviewed secondary documents. As part of the data coding process, the evaluation team identified an initial set of outcomes found across interviews.
Read about the findings and conclusions here.
Read the Brief
This brief highlights key aspects of the participatory planning process at the center of the outcome harvest.
Read the brief here.
Resource Guides
Volume 1: Inclusivity and Stakeholder Engagement
Practical tips for working in areas hard-hit by shocks and stressors like drought, insecurity, and volatile transport routes. Good practices for establishing a foundation of trust between communities and implementing partners. Five-step approach to helping communities set their own priorities for donor resilience programming.
Volume 2: Evidence-Informed Decision-Making
Good practices for helping communities use evidence to set and respond to resilience priorities. Guidance on promoting collaborative learning around the evidence through sense-making workshops, then translating learning into payam-level action plans at local action planning workshops.
Volume 3: Collaboration and Mutual Accountability
Insights on how to engage local government institutions and leaders to build bridges with civil society, addressing critical issues like transparency in job hiring practices. Examples from Policy LINK’s recruitment efforts in Jur River County, where donor projects had struggles to earn the trust of youth.
Volume 4: Community Resilience Measurement Approach
This Resource Guide reflects lessons learned while implementing the participatory planning process in Akobo, Budi, Jur River, Kapoeta North, and Wau counties. It offers good practices for measuring community resilience, which corresponds to Step 2 (gathering evidence) in the five-step process.
Field Activity Reports
(Organized Alphabetically by County)
Akobo County Community Resilience Mapping
This report gives an overview of the qualitative analysis of 32 focus group discussions and two key informant interviews that were conducted with community-level participants in eight payams of Akobo County.
Akobo County Community Resilience Mapping Lite
This modified qualitative survey instrument targets representatives from the four corners of the community in an inclusive, participatory, and facilitated resilience conversation to gather perspectives on how communities operate as a system and the existing resilience capacities to prepare for, mitigate, and recover from shocks and stressors.
Aweil Inclusive Champions Group Training Report
A team of two USAID Policy LINK staff traveled to Aweil to facilitate an Inclusive Champions Group training workshop. This report details the workshop activities and highlights the contribution of USAID to the Partnership for Recovery and Resilience.
Budi County Community Resilience Mapping Report
The Community Resilience Mapping exercise captured in this report reached all seven payams of Budi County. The exercise examined the various circumstances that communities have faced since independence through the current pandemic and approaches to recovery and resilience by individuals and communities.
Jur River Community Engagement
In early August 2021, Policy LINK launched a community engagement process in Jur River county that built upon the proven tactics employed while working in the Partnership for Recover and Resilience Partnership Areas of Aweil, Torit, Wau, and Yambio. Policy LINK was successful in reaching more than 50 community leaders representing youth, women, civil society, private sector, traditional authorities, and county and state government representatives for all six payams of Jur River County. This report chronicles the key steps, lessons learned, and challenges faced by the Policy LINK Area Program Managers.
Jur River County Community Feedback Workshop Report
Between August 2021 and June 2022, Policy LINK conducted a series of activities designed to build community-led resilience in Jur River County. This report describes the June 2022 workshop in which community delegates, local and state government officials, and USAID Implementing Partners developed a joint county-level feedback strategy.
Jur River County Joint Work Planning Workshop
This report serves as a reference point for USAID IPs and local communities across Jur River county to build on the initial agreed areas of collaborations and future potential opportunities for collaboration. It sums up the envisioned collaboration as articulated in this foundational plan around the planned resilience action priorities.
Jur River County-Level Sense-making Workshop
The three-day Jur River county-level Sense-making Workshop convened and empowered 39 participants including county authorities, USAID Implementing Partners (IPs), and state-level stakeholders with the community resilience mapping evidence to articulate resilience priorities and identify locally led solutions using an appreciative and facilitative leadership approach that puts the community first in the resilience-building process. here
Jur River County Local Action Planning
The four-day Jur River County Local Action Planning workshop was held May 24-27, 2022 at the Royal Castle Hotel in Wau, Western Bahr El Ghazal State. This report provides an overview of the workshop and summarizes the resulting plans.
Jur River Payam-Level Local Action Planning
The workshops described in this report show how Policy LINK employed an appreciative and facilitative leadership approach that allowed it to put community first in the resilience process by empowering communities to develop local action plans, implement community-driven resilience programs, and set a community-centric development agenda. The Local Action Planning Workshops were held at payam head offices in Kuajiena, Rocrocdong, Kangi, Udici, Wau Bai and Marial Bai.
Jur River Recruitment Report
From mid-August to September 2021, Policy LINK expanded its work into Jur River County with plans to conduct the community resilience mapping exercise. Having witnessed the growing wave of youth protest over the lack of employment opportunities within the humanitarian / development / peacebuilding sectors, Policy LINK initiated an innovation to its recruitment practice which became successful and gained high praise from the local community and local government, while avoiding youth unrest in the county. This report provides key insights and good practices for localizing recruitment at the county-level, while ensuring transparency and accountability.
Jur River Sense-Making
From November to December 2021, Policy LINK mobilized the participation of almost 650 persons from the six payams of Jur River county in Sense-making workshops, where participants reviewed and validated the most relevant community resilience mapping findings for local community members from the four corners of the community. This report covers the workshop methodologies, daily activities, key outcomes, community aspirations, lessons learned and challenges faced.
Wau County Community Feedback Workshop Report
This report details the process of developing key messages around themes such as community-led resilience; shifting community mindset; envisioning a better future for Wau community; community ownership, responsibility, and resource commitment; most impactful shocks and stressors; and resilience action plans and collaboration. It also describes existing forums identified by community representatives that will be used to share key resilience messages within their payams.
Wau County Report on Dissemination of Key Messages
A Community Feedback Workshop was held at the end of March 2022 to help prepare Wau County community representatives to develop and disseminate key messages on community-led resilience through existing avenues or platforms to sensitize the broader Wau County community on how to achieve their resilience aspirations.
Wau Joint Workplanning
An in-depth look into the fifth step of Policy LINK’s 5-Step participatory planning approach and process for building community-led resilience, the Joint Work Planning workshop brought together over 60 persons including community-selected representatives, county and state government officials, and USAID implementing partners. The Workshop provided an opportunity, space, and platform for mutual information exchange, trust-building, and dialogue on how best to forge collaboration between stakeholders to enhance resilience capacities and reduce chronic vulnerability to the most impactful shocks identified in the county.
Wau Local Action Planning - 2021
In November – December 2021, Policy LINK launched a bottom-up approach for facilitating community representatives in the development of community resilience action plans for addressing the most impactful shocks. This report provides in-depth understanding into the practical design, methodologies, and outcomes of a three-day workshop that was held in each of the five payams of Wau county with 35 representatives of the four corners of community.
Wau Local Action Planning - 2022
The Wau County-level LAP workshop was conducted for four days from February 21 to 24, 2022 with an overall objective to produce the Wau County Resilience Priority Actions and the Wau County Resilience Action Plan. The information generated fed into the Joint Work Planning (JWP) Workshop for the formulation of a coherent Community Resilience Action Plan. The County-level LAP Workshop included the participation of the 25 payam delegates, the Wau County Commissioner, Mr. Jacinto Mattia Mboro, and the representatives from ACTED, FAO, and the Norwegian Refugee Committee (NRC).Description goes here
Yambio Community Development Committee Workshops
As part of its technical support to PfRR, Policy LINK collaborated with the Yambio Area Reference Group (ARG) and Yambio Civic Engagement Centre (CEC) to conduct three CDC sensitization workshops in Yambio and Nzara between September 27 and October 12, 2021. These workshops were necessary to increase community awareness and engagement in the PfRR at the grassroots level.
Community Resilience Mapping Tools
Focus Group Discussions Facilitator Guide
Household Mapping Tool

Civic Engagement Centers:
Community-Based Structures for Inclusive Dialogue and Prioritization
With USAID Policy LINK support Civic Engagement Centers (CECs) in Aweil, Torit, Wau, and Yambio conducted consultative meetings with youth, women, persons with disabilities, traditional authorities, the private sector, civil society, and local government. CECs consist of local civil society organizations and community-based organizations.
Annual Learning Forum:
How Communities Can Voice Their Resilience Priorities Directly to Donors and Government
Summary Report
This report provides a day-by-day overview of the proceedings of the 2020 Annual Learning Forum, offering key takeaways and insights into participant data.
Technical Report
This report reflects on the planning, preparation, and support that went into organizing and producing the 2020 Annual Learning Forum.
Watch a recording of Day 1 of the 2020 Annual Learning Forum.
Watch a recording of Day 2 of the 2020 Annual Learning Forum.
Faces of Resilience Videos
In the lead up to the 2020 Annual Learning Forum, USAID Policy LINK produced videos profiling local leaders and issues in Aweil, Torit, Wau, and Yambio. The first four of these videos, which are included below, were aired at the forum and shared on its Resilience Marketplace.
Groundnut Mill Catalyzes Peace in Aweil
Fish Pond Project in Yambio
Disabled Women Producing Facemasks in Wau
Facemask Production as a COVID-19 Response in Yambio
Want to learn more?
The USAID Policy LINK team is committed to sharing knowledge with Implementing Partners working in South Sudan. If you would like to learn more about our programming or direct questions to one of our Area Program Managers, please use this form. A member of our team will get back to you shortly.