Policy LINK Supports African Union to Strengthen Coordination between Strategic Partners
Participants in the 2nd CAADP Coordination Meeting, which was held on June 15-16, 2023 in Casablanca, Morocco.
Casablanca, Morocco – To enhance coordination and advance the implementation of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), Policy LINK has supported the African Union (AU) in convening the 2nd CAADP Coordination Meeting. The meeting, held from June 15-16, 2023, brought together AU institutions, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), and key partners to discuss and shape the post-Malabo agenda and accelerate the achievement of the Malabo Declaration targets.
The Malabo Declaration reaffirms the commitment of African governments to the goals of CAADP, outlining specific targets to be accomplished by 2025. During the initial CAADP coordination meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, held from March 13-15 this year, a joint workplan was developed, focusing on six priority areas for the implementation of the CAADP business plan and the development of the post-Malabo agenda. Successful execution of these plans requires significant resources, collaborative efforts, and effective coordination among various partners. Policy LINK has supported the AU in designing and implementing strategies to enhance coordination, resource mobilization, and learning, as well as facilitate the implementation of the business plan and development of the post-Malabo agenda. The coordination between AU institutions such as African Union Commission, Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment of the African Union Commission (AUC-DARBE), the African Union Development Agency (AUDA –NEPAD), RECs, donors, and technical experts is crucial to align efforts and leverage expertise and resources, as well as ensure the successful delivery of an inclusive agricultural development agenda for the continent.
Dr. Godfrey Bahiigwa, Director of AUC-DARBE, delivers remarks during the meeting.
The 2nd CAADP Coordination Meeting brought together 64 participants from AU institutions, donors, and technical partners. The meeting was presided by H.E Arach Redouane, Morocco’s Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forest, with key representatives from Union du Maghreb Arabe (UMA), AUC-DARBE, and AUDA-NEPAD. The Deputy Minister emphasized Morocco’s commitment to the CAADP process and sustainable agriculture, highlighting the country’s resilience to climate change and calling for joint efforts to address its challenges on Africa’s agriculture.
Dr. Godfrey Bahiigwa, Director of AUC-DARBE, acknowledged the challenges Africa has faced, including climate change-related shocks, disease outbreaks, Covid-19, conflicts, instability, and geopolitical dynamics and trade wars that have impacted CAADP. He emphasized the need to focus on attainable actions that bring countries closer to achieving CAADP targets and invited partners to leverage their strengths in supporting the development of the post-Malabo agenda and the remaining phase of CAADP.
Estherine Fotabong, Director Agriculture, Food Security and Sustainable Environment at AUDA-NEPAD underscored the importance of the post Malabo agenda development process in guiding African Leaders to outline strategic priorities for agricultural development on the continent. She emphasized the need for constructive collaboration, alignment, and coherence on continental efforts to improve agriculture and address food security, highlighting the significance of country level consultations,
Estherine Foartabong, Director, Agriculture, Food Security, and Sustainable Environment of Programs at AUDA-NEPAD.
During the meeting, partners engaged in plenary sessions, discussing the roadmap, analysis questions, strategies for improving performance, and coordination efforts. Partners also discussed the post-Malabo agenda development plan, including the establishment of a steering committee and technical working group at the AU to coordinate the agenda, analytical studies, and stakeholder consultations as well as adopt the contributions of the Specialized Technical Committees (STCs) and heads of States and Governments.
The second day focused on refining the study questions, identifying short-term and long-term support needs, defining partner roles, and enhancing coordination among donors and technical partners. Potential areas for Policy LINK support include technical design and facilitation, analysis, and synthesis of lessons. A lean technical team will conduct the analysis, consolidating the study questions by various partners, The technical partners present at the meeting included AKADEMIYA2063, Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), International Fertilizer Development Corporation (IFDC), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT), and the University of Pretoria.
On the third day, the meeting addressed challenges related to coordination among the AU institutions, AUC-DARBE, AUDA-NEPAD, and RECs. The division of labor and coordination strategies were discussed to ensure efficiency. Representatives from donor organizations such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Ireland, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), World Food Programme, World Bank, and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) convened to gain insights on the African Union’s short-term priorities, required support, and timelines, including funding opportunities for the development of the post-Malabo agenda. This meeting also explored how best to solidify long-term investment in the post-Malabo agenda. Participants also discussed alignment between donors’ continental efforts and commitment and their country-level support as well as how to ensure that donor commitments at the continental level are reflected in specific programs they are supporting at the country level. Likewise, the donor group discussed how to strengthen the Donor Partner Coordination Group (DPCG), guided by a clear Terms of Reference, and appointed NORAD to chair the donor group with USAID as the co-chair.
Before the meeting in Morocco, Policy LINK facilitated separate virtual meetings with technical partners and donors to outline the objectives and expectations of the meeting. These sessions presented priorities, discussed the roadmap, and prepared participants to commit to specific activities and targeted support.
Policy LINK will continue to provide strategic guidance, facilitation, technical, and logistical support to strengthen coordination among AU institutions and partners beyond the Morocco meeting. The goal is to ensure that actions arising from the meeting were followed through and the coordination platforms remain vibrant for successful mobilization of resources and expertise, leading to effective delivery of the remaining phase of CAADP and the development of the post-Malabo agenda.
Read the African Union’s press release on the CAADP Coordination Meeting.