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Policy LINK Launches Leadership for Inclusive Policy (L4IP) Program
In early 2025, the USAID Feed the Future Policy LINK project will begin the Leadership for Inclusive Policy (L4IP) Program, an immersive, six-month leadership development course for food security and climate change policy leaders in countries across Africa.
African Stakeholders Urge Action on Enhancing Food and Nutrition Security at the 20th Partnership Platform
The meeting highlighted the urgent need to tackle Africa’s food security challenges and engage youth and women in transforming the continent’s agri-food systems.
African Nations Reflect on CAADP Progress and Challenges at the Malabo Policy Learning Event
The recent Malabo Policy Learning Event (MAPLE) in Harare, Zimbabwe, highlighted ongoing efforts and challenges in achieving the ambitious goals of the Malabo Declaration.
With Policy LINK Support, Africa’s Agricultural Agenda Looks Ahead to the Next Decade
CAADP is a defining example of a stakeholder-led process that aligns with USAID’s Global Food Security Strategy.
Strengthening Communications, Advocacy, and Knowledge Management for Africa's Next Agriculture Agenda
Participants in the July 27-28, 2024 write-shop worked together to draft a strategy for the CAADP communications, advocacy, and knowledge management.
Western Africa Regional Consultations Move Toward a New Post-Malabo Declaration
Stakeholders, including the private sector, youth, non-state actors, technical experts, and development partners contributed insights to steer the next decade’s agricultural transformation.
Southern Africa Delegates Share Their Triumphs and Challenges on the Road to a Post-Malabo Agenda
Stakeholders gathered in Zambia for the Southern Africa Development Community regional consultations, part of a series of regional dialogues on the post-Malabo Agenda process.
Eastern Africa Regional Consultations Begin Ahead of a New Declaration
Over 100 delegates representing member states, the private sector, technical partners, and farmer organizations were present during the dialogue.
Parliamentarians Take Steps to Enhance Their Role in Transforming Africa’s Agrifood Systems
Senators and Members of Parliament came together in Mombasa, Kenya, to discuss the importance of enhancing the role of Parliamentarians in transforming Africa’s agrifood systems.
Continental Stakeholder Dialogue on the 4th Biennial Review Results Helps Propel Member State Action
From April 30 – May 2, 2024, stakeholders from across the African continent gathered to discuss the 4th Biennial Review (BR) Report.
Empowering Youth Advocacy in Agriculture and Climate Action
Policy LINK supported a write-shop for the Consortium of African Youth in Agriculture and Climate Change (CAYACC), a youth-led secretariat of youth organizations.
Development Partners Support the CAADP Post-Malabo Agenda
The Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program (CAADP) Donor Partner Coordination Group (DPCG) is a continental platform that brings together the key donors supporting CAADP.
Empowering Youth Advocacy in Agriculture and Climate Action
The Consortium of African Youth in Agriculture and Climate Change (CAYACC), a youth-led secretariat of youth organizations, participated in a joint “write-shop” hosted by AGRA in Nairobi, Kenya.
The African Union Launches the 4th Biennial Review Report and the Post-Malabo Roadmap
The official launch of the 4th Biennial Review (BR) Report and Post-Malabo Roadmap took place on March 8, 2024, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Second Cohort of African Agricultural Leaders Completes Advanced Leadership Program
Delegates from Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda graduated on Friday December 8, 2023 in Addis Ababa
Stakeholders Consult on the Roadmap for a Post-Malabo Agenda
A meeting at AU headquarters in Addis Ababa fosters a collaborative approach to CAADP Post-Malabo Agenda development.
Members of Parliament Key to Reaching Malabo Targets
On October 31, 2023, the Africa Food Systems Parliamentary Network (AFSPaN) launched at the 19th CAADP Partnership Platform in Lusaka.
Youth Unite around Agriculture and Climate Change
Policy LINK supports the official launch of the Consortium of African Youth in Agriculture and Climate Change (CAYACC).
Parliamentarians Key to Africa’s Agricultural Development
How can national legislatures more actively engage in CAADP and its target of ending hunger in Africa by 2025?
Communications Experts: A Continental Agriculture Program Needs Continental Engagement
Communications experts from the African Union Commission and its partner organizations met in Nairobi to take stock of their support to CAADP.