RFS Partnership with Minority-Serving Institutions at the Research Symposium of the Association of 1890 Research Directors

Save the date image for ARD symposium

From April 2-5, the Association of 1890 Research Directors (ARD) held its 20th Research Symposium as a forum for knowledge sharing, networking building, and showcase of the talents and achievements of the 1890 community. The 1890 land-grant institutions include 19 historically-black universities established under the Second Morrill Act of 1890 to provide high quality agricultural research, education, and extension programs. In alignment with USAID’s commitment to partnerships with Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), the RFS Policy Division worked with the Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab to partner with ARD and elevate the research of faculty and students at the 1890 institutions. 

A special session on global food security highlighted opportunities for collaboration between the USAID Innovation Labs and MSIs. Dr. Jim Oehmke, RFS Acting Policy Division Chief, provided opening remarks highlighting the Agency’s commitment to strengthened partnerships with MSIs, and provided examples of areas where MSIs have historically excelled in the policy space. Dr. Oehmke then moderated a series of presentations by directors of four Innovation Labs: David Hughes, Director of the Current and Emerging Threats Innovation Lab; Hale Ann Tufan, Associate Director of the Crop Improvement Innovation Lab; P.V. Vara Prasad, Director of the Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab; and Shibani Ghosh, Associate Director of the Nutrition Innovation Lab. Each of the presenters reaffirmed the need for further progress in engaging MSIs across the Innovation Labs, and the opportunity of leveraging MSI expertise to address global food security challenges. 

Learn more about the Policy Division’s partnership with ARD by contacting Jim Oehmke (joehmke@usaid.gov) and Alex Pao (apao@usaid.gov).


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