USAID Launches Agricultural Policy Activity in Bangladesh
On February 25, 2021, USAID/Bangladesh Deputy Mission Director John Allelo kicked off the inaugural event of Feed the Future’s Bangladesh Agricultural Policy Activity, one of four buy-ins implemented by USAID’s global Policy LINK program. The event, which brought together Feed the Future implementing partners working in the country, was the first of several engagements with key stakeholders—all aimed at developing a shared understanding of agricultural policy goals and the challenges to enacting them.
“As with all Policy LINK activities, our work in Bangladesh is about facilitating systematic coordination and cooperation while also encouraging donor implementing partners to transcend their activity-specific silos.”
“As with all Policy LINK activities, our work in Bangladesh is about facilitating systematic coordination and cooperation while also encouraging donor implementing partners to transcend their activity-specific silos,” said Acting Activity Country Lead Chuck Chopak, who also heads up DAI’s Resilience work. Policy LINK will be hosting similar events with USAID implementing partners working in the governance, environment, and nutrition sectors in Bangladesh. These events will be followed by engagement with a diverse set of Bangladeshi agricultural stakeholders, both inside and outside of the government, at the community, regional, and national levels, where seeds, food safety, social safety nets, and nutrition top the policy agenda.
Ensuring the activities of donor-funded projects are aligned with and support these national priorities is core to Policy LINK’s work, which is helping build and strengthen platforms for collaborative planning and implementation among diverse stakeholders in other Feed the Future priority countries like South Sudan.