Stakeholders Call for a Strengthened Agriculture and Food Security Research Network

Participants in the May 20, 2024 consultation forum.

Policy LINK’s Champions for Food Security (C4FS) Activity in Ethiopia, in collaboration with Sidama Agriculture Research Institute, organized a one-day consultation forum May 20, 2024 in Yirgalem town. C4FS’ Ethiopian Policy Landscape Assessment findings were presented, discussed, and validated during the forum, which helped raise stakeholders’ awareness of the evolution of agricultural policy formulation processes in the country and relevant policies’ overall implications on the sector.

Participants agreed that the region needs a strong research network. Since the regional government was formed in June 2020, state- and relevant non-state actor institutions have been restructured and are expected to actively engage in the development and implementation of agriculture and food system policy. A robust research network in the region is essential for evidence generation, data management, and policy design, participants said.

Following a vigorous discussion, the forum selected thirteen key institutions as members of a steering committee to lead the network. The steering committee also designated the regional council’s rural development standing committee office as its chair, the Sidama Agriculture Research Institution its vice chair, and Hawassa University as its secretary.

Participants in the one-day consultation forum on May 20, 2024 in Yirgalem town.

Along with these institutions, the 40 stakeholders (8 female) present represented the Chamber of Commerce, civil society organizations (CSOs), community-based organizations, council standing committees, the regional state president’s economic advisor, the Bureau of Agriculture, and the Ethiopian Seed Enterprise.

A CSO representative said even though strengthening the agriculture research network benefits the member institutions as well as the region in general, it needs each member’s commitment and active participation. In addition, the steering committee and its members must consider the sustainability of the network from the outset and communicate within the public sector, the representative said. 

“We have extensive experience in networking, though not the level as may be expected. This initiative has the potential to succeed as key stakeholders are here and have discussed about strengthening the strategies with the regional council,” another representative from the regional council stated.

Participants additionally emphasized that the private sector plays a crucial role in steering the system as it contributes knowledge, and skills through evidence-based dialogues and other platforms.

Read more about Policy LINK’s work in Ethiopia here.


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