Policy LINK Amplifies Sub-national Voices at the 4th National Seed Forum
Participants interacting with exhibitors at the forums.
The Feed the Future Ghana Policy LINK Activity championed inclusivity at the 4th annual National Seed Business and Networking Forum held under the theme, "Harnessing Resources, Cultivating Success, and Fostering Synergy in the Seed Industry.”
Building on the success of supporting eight sub-national seed sector actors in the 2022 forum, Policy LINK facilitated knowledge acquisition and active participation of 48 sub-national stakeholders, including farmers, organizations, youth groups, women groups, and People with Disabilities (PwDs), with the PwDs notably advocating for their proactive inclusion in agricultural policy initiatives.
Mr. Yunus Abdulai, Country Lead for Policy LINK in Ghana, emphasized the importance of integrating sub-national voices into policy decisions and implementation, stating, “Policy LINK firmly believes inclusivity increases development outcomes.”
One of the Policy LINK-supported PwD participants contributing to the discussions at the forum.
Organized by the National Seed Traders Association of Ghana (NASTAG), in collaboration with the National Seed Council and with support from the Feed the Future initiatives, including the Ghana Policy LINK Activity and Market Systems and Resilience Activity (MSR), as well as AGRA, the event held on November 8 – 9, 2023, in Tamale, aimed to promote awareness of the Plant Variety Protection Act of 2020, discuss responsibilities in implementing the Government's Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) Phase II initiative, and facilitate the utilization of the National Seed Demand Forecasting tool for informed decision-making in future seed businesses.
The forum brought together diverse stakeholders from along the seed value chain, such as representatives from the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), research and academic institutions, seed companies, farmer and farmer groups, agro-input dealers, youth, women, PwD groups, private sector seed players, financial institutions, and development partners (DPs). It also featured presentations, panel discussions, and grassroots-level contributions on seed-related matters.
Feruza Alidu, one of the first cohort of 20 best women awardees recognized at the 2022 National Farmers Day event and supported by Policy LINK, taking down notes during the forum.
Dr. Michael Osei, co-chair for the event and Director of the Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute at the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC), stressed the need for the seed industry to respond effectively to the growing demand for quality seeds.
He highlighted the necessity for a more inclusive, equitable, and resilient system within the sector. He appreciated the support the industry was receiving from development organizations to update the current Ghana Seed Sector Strategy and Investment Plan and strengthen the status of the national seed industry, business, and collaborative links among actors.
Commending the efforts of NASTAG and the National Seed Council, Mr. Abdulai pledged Policy LINK’s ongoing support to contribute to the sector's growth.
A communique, compiled from the discussion's emerging issues, was shared with participants before the forum's conclusion. A committee, including a representative from Policy LINK, reviewed the communique for submission to the Minister of Food and Agriculture and other key stakeholders in the seed sector to guide decision-making and the delivery of tailored support services for developing the seed sector in Ghana.
USAID FtF Policy LINK Champions Inclusivity at Ghana’s 3rd National Seed Forum