The annual Feed the Future Ghana Implementing Partners (IPs) Meeting provides the platform for institutions implementing various interventions supported by the USAID's Economic Growth Office in Ghana to discuss successes and challenges, share best practices and lessons, and identify opportunities for collaboration.
The meeting also provides an avenue for USAID to inform the IPs about the Mission's emerging initiatives, guidelines, and other useful information geared towards promoting effective implementation and ultimately contributing to enhanced economic growth and food security in Ghana.
The objectives for the 2023 meeting are to:
Build a shared understanding of the Feed the Future (FtF) strategic direction and focus areas.
Strengthen partnerships and improve collaboration between USAID and its IPs.
Identify opportunities for collaboration to avoid duplication of efforts for effective use of resources.
For questions, please contact: or
Participating Implementing Partners
FtF Ghana Market Systems and Resilience Activity (MSR)
FtF Ghana Trade and Investment Activity (GTI)
FtF Ghana Mobilizing Finance in Agriculture Activity (MFA)
FtF Ghana Policy LINK Activity
FtF Ghana Resilience in Northern Ghana (RING II) Systems Strengthening
FtF Agriculture, Governance, Resilience and Economic Empowerment (AGREE)
FtF Ghana Fisheries Recovery Activity (GFRA)
USAID West Africa Energy Program
USAID Advancing Nutrition Ghana
USAID/Ghana MEL Platform Activity
Partnership for Inclusive Agricultural Transformation in Africa (PIATA)
USAID-funded West Africa Trade and Investment Hub
Community Resilience Activity
Africa Trade and Investment Activity